March 17, 2023

How to Cook Luncheon Meat in Microwave: Quick and Easy Guide

How to Cook Luncheon Meat in the Microwave

How to Cook Luncheon Meat in Microwave

Are you finding a quick and easy way to cook your favorite luncheon meat? Cooking luncheon meat in the microwave is a great way to save time and energy while still enjoying a delicious meal.

Short Answer
Generally, start with 30 seconds to 1 minute on high power (100%) for a single slice of luncheon meat. Increase the cooking time by 15-30 seconds per slice for thicker or larger pieces.

In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to cook luncheon meat in microwave, as well as some tips and tricks to ensure it turns out perfectly every time.

Why is Luncheon Meat So Good?

Luncheon meat has been popular for many years due to its unique taste, texture, and convenience.

It is made from a combination of meats and spices, giving it a savory, salty, and sometimes slightly sweet flavor many people enjoy. Its soft and tender texture also makes it easy to eat and digest.

Luncheon meat is not only tasty, but it’s also good for you! It’s packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals essential for keeping your body healthy and strong.

Whether eaten cold or cooked in various ways, luncheon meat is a versatile and convenient food that continues to be enjoyed by many.

How to Cook Luncheon Meat in Microwave (Step-by-Step Guide)

How to Cook Luncheon Meat in Microwave

Microwaving luncheon meat is a fast and simple way to get it ready to eat. It also saves time and energy compared to using a stove or oven.

Here is the step-by-step guide to follow:

Step 1: Prepare the Luncheon Meat

Before cooking, take the luncheon meat out of the can and put it on a plate or dish that’s safe to use in the microwave.

You can also slice the luncheon meat into smaller pieces or cubes, depending on your preference.

Step 2: Cover the Luncheon Meat

Cover the luncheon meat with a microwave-safe lid or plate to prevent splatters and ensure even cooking.

Alternatively, you can use a towel or wax paper to cover the luncheon meat. Remember to leave a little opening for steam to get out.

Step 3: Set the Microwave Time and Power

The cooking time and power will depend on the type of luncheon meat and the desired level of crispiness.

Generally, start with 30 seconds to 1 minute on high power (100%) for a single slice of luncheon meat.

Increase the cooking time by 15-30 seconds per slice for thicker or larger pieces.

If you prefer a crispy texture, increase the power to 70% or 80%, but be careful not to overcook the luncheon meat.

Step 4: Check the Luncheon Meat

After cooking, check the luncheon meat to see if it is heated and cooked to your liking. You can use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature, which should be at least 165°F.

If the luncheon meat is not fully cooked, return it to the microwave for another 15-30 seconds and check again.

Step 5: Serve and Enjoy

Once the luncheon meat is cooked to your liking, please remove it from the microwave and let it cool for a few seconds.

You can serve it as is or use it in your favorite recipe or sandwich.

Tips for Cooking Luncheon Meat in the Microwave

How to Cook Luncheon Meat in Microwave

Here are a few cooking tips to keep in mind when cooking luncheon meat in the microwave:

  • Use a microwave-safe plate or dish for safety.
  • Cover the luncheon meat to prevent splatters and ensure even cooking.
  • Change the cooking time and power according to how thick and heavy the luncheon meat is.
  • Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the meat.
  • Be careful not to overcook the luncheon meat to avoid a tough and chewy texture.

Read Also: How to Thaw Frozen Sausage Roll in Microwave?: A Quick Way

Read Also: How Long To Cook Beef Ribs In Oven At 450°F?

Microwave Cooking Time and Power Settings for Different Processed Meats Types:

Type of Luncheon Meat

Thickness (inches)

Weight (ounces)

Recommended Cooking Time (seconds)





Corned Beef




Vienna Sausages




Potted Meat





Cooking luncheon meat in the microwave is a quick and easy way to enjoy a tasty meal or snack.

Following the simple steps outlined in this article and using the tips and tricks provided, you can cook luncheon meat perfectly every time.

Whether you prefer Spam, corned beef, Vienna sausages, or potted meat, you can easily cook your favorite type of luncheon meat in the microwave.

So next time you’re in a rush or don’t feel like cooking a complicated meal, reach for a can of luncheon meat and try it in the microwave.


Can I microwave canned spam?

Yes, canned spam can be microwaved, but removing it from the can is recommended and placing it in a microwave-safe dish first.

It is important to adhere to the guidelines mentioned on the label.

Is luncheon meat unhealthy?

Luncheon meat can be high in sodium, fat, and preservatives, so it’s best to consume it in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

What is the best way to eat luncheon meat?

Luncheon meat can be enjoyed in various ways, such as in sandwiches, on crackers, or diced into salads. It can also be fried or baked to add a crispy texture.

Do you need to refrigerate luncheon meat?

If unopened, canned luncheon meat can be kept in a cool place, but after opening, it needs to be refrigerated and used within a few days to ensure its quality and safety.

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